Koti Tea – manifestation coach

Client success story: overcoming stuckness and manifesting 2 BIG success stories in 3 months.

She decided her life was the opposite of the life she dreamed about for herself.
She tried to manifest a transformation herself but could only manifest small desires so she got stuck AF and doubtful.

Then she hired my fairy ass and manifested her 2 out of 5 big life goals. (WITHOUT SATS!) And she’s going for more.

She started her 1:1 commitment with me only last April. 3 months later she’s expecting her lovely baby and moving into a new, beautiful apartment. And she is expecting so much more to come!

She didn’t do any SATS for this whole time. In fact, I FORBAD her. Months before hiring me she used to lie down every day for hours-long visualizations. They felt good (they always do) and they were making her feel even worse about the life she had (it’s always so), so she avoided focusing on her life and chose to fantasize about her dreams more and more. But fantasies don’t manifest, so that’s how she got stuck.

Instead, she developed a new belief that “this doesn’t work” and every time she would try to deliberately enter the self-hypnosis she would also automatically go full-on defense self-sabotage mode.

On the side, all of your limiting beliefs and defensive behaviors are your protectors. They were created to stop you from reaching for something that might hurt you again. And those protectors don’t grow and mature. They are like your 3-year-old son, who once got burnt, so you told him to not touch the stove. And now he’s making a scene because you want to cook dinner. He doesn’t want you to get burned and don’t understand your cooking is a different situation. All he thinks about is getting burned.

That’s why I made my client to at first work mostly with questions that are low-key, low on resistance method. They are very subtle. This was so she could get some results and proof before trying SATS again.

Because experiencing scenes in sats is the most powerful method OBJECTIVELY. But the manifesting method has to align with you and your story to work. Otherwise, You’ll push yourself deeper into shit.

And this way in 3 months she has 2 out of 5 of her big life-changing desires.

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This will be you in 3 months if you decide to rewire your mind and make a move to take control of your life.