What is intuition, and what role does it play in conscious using Law of assumption?
First of all, tell me, are you a highly intuitive person?
Yes? Then GREAT. Why? Because intuition plays a huge role in manifesting the Neville Goddard way. How?
Neville Goddard was continually talking about the feeling and that the feeling of the wish fulfilled being the key in manifesting. By feeling Neville doesn’t mean emotion, but KNOWING THAT something is real.
What is intuition?
Intuition is nothing else than knowing that something is real before it will prove itself by showing up in the material world.
So if you have an intuition that this year you’ll meet the love of your life – congratulations! That means you are in your state of being loved, loving, and you’re persisting in your wish of the wish fulfilled. When you have an intuition, then you know. And that knowing it’s the feeling.
Intuition is proof that we’re manifesting all the time.
Intuition proves that Neville Goddard was right, and manifesting isn’t anything extraordinary, but just the way our whole life is created.
Think about it. You continuously feel something as real. You feel that something is or isn’t a big issue. You feel that coronavirus won’t get you. Or you think that your husband will start to cheat on you. Or… You can’t stop it. You always feel something as real. The only question is, is it your dream that you feel as real or your nightmare?
Exactly. The problem is, what your intuition is telling you?
We already said that, but let’s repeat being blunt: intuition isn’t a message from the Universe or anywhere/ anywho outside of you. It’s not given to you. It’s not here to warn you or anything. It’s only a symptom of what you are imagining. It’s only informing you what you have already successfully imagined. It’s your feeling of the wish fulfilled – the knowing.
Sometimes you ask me about this time, which Neville was calling “a Sabat.” It’s when you don’t feel like imagining anymore because you know it’s done—using not Goddard related vocabulary – when you have your intuition.
I remember being a witch. I was reading Tarot and seeing auras and all that stuff. The problem is I had no idea it was me giving life to all of that.
So when my intuition was telling me what my new partner will be cheating on me like the last one did… Yes, I thought that I’m lucky to be warned by the Universe. Meanwhile… It was me imagining being cheated. It was my state of a jealous and betrayed woman. It was getting real only because I was imagining that in the first place.
Now I know intuition is only and nothing more than information about what I have imagined. I can revise that and choose something else. Listening to the intuition is like listening to my own echo. It’s me saying to my intuition what to repeat to me.
Now, if I would find myself having such feeling about my partner, I would take the meaning out of it and imagine differently. I would change my state back to being loved and adored.
Intuition is a feeling. More precisely – intuition is your feeling of the wish fulfilled. Do you like what it tells you? Great! Don’t you? Great! Revise and give life to something else to change your destiny. Because it’s you creating it of you like it or no.