Koti Tea – manifestation coach

I remember when… A technique you’ve been using your whole life

Have you ever had a bad cold? I mean a cough, running nose, fever and this general feeling of „please God let me die”? I had many times. Every time it was gone after a few days.

Headache, muscle pain, throat pain, caught and the worse – running nose. Plus the general feeling of crap. How to manifest something like that?

Think about your last cold, maybe it’s even happening right now… How have you manifested it? How have you felt about it? Sad, angry or maybe thankful and relaxed? All of that is possible because having cold is never just having a cold – it’s our manifestation, it’s a fact, something physical – but it’s never the same. It’s mood depends on a state you created it from. Emotions come from imaginal acts and assumptions.

One thing is sure – if you have a cold – you had imagined it.

You had imagined all that you’re experiencing now

Unless that was your basic desire – that one genuine thing you wanted – I guess you didn’t stay faithful to „I am sick”. But I know for sure you stayed faithful to a state that gave it to you.

If your state was about missing something, being excluded and having bad luck. And you imaginary experienced sickness, maybe simply by being compassionate to a relative who is sick or maybe while watching an ad on Youtube – oh, then for sure you experience sickness during some important event that you can’t attend because of that. You can be here sad or angry or simply depressed and your symptoms are hardcore.

If your state was enjoying your family and enjoying your home and you imaginary experienced sickness, maybe simply by being compassionate to a relative who is sick or maybe while watching an ad on Youtube – oh, then for sure you experience sickness in peace and joy. You can be here really thankful and your symptoms are more symbolic.

If your state was loving hardworking, exercising 2 hours daily and enjoying busy living, but knowing that you couldn’t live that way and your body will take revenge… And you imaginary experienced sickness, maybe simply by being compassionate to a relative who is sick or maybe while watching an ad on Youtube – oh, then for sure you experience sickness in regret. You think it’s your body’s revenge for overexploiting. You feel guilty, crappy, scared of having more serious diseases in the future and your symptoms don’t let you go out of bed.

+ millions of other scenarios.

If you’re buying into „vibrations” then being sick is always an unpleasant thing per se and always indicated having low vibrations. You’re a victim.

Uff, I’m so glad it’s a Nevill Goddard’s space here. According to Neville experiencing something in the material world is nothing more than an echo of having already experienced something in imagination.
But how we are experiencing it comes from a state we’re in.

Here you can find the article about states and ho to change them.

But let’s go back to having a cold. Let’s say it’s a really bad one and you feel like crap.
I experienced it a few times in my lifetime and I bet you also.

How to change what is to what you want?!

So now, to manifest health again while having this bad cold. What have you done?
Vision board? I guess not.
Thankfulness? Have you had to be thankful first? Let’s say you missed a great party because o that and there’s no way you can think about being cold at this time as a blessing. Did you have to change your thinking and became thankful for missing a party of your life to be healthy again? Did you?! Of course no.

Or maybe you needed to become happy, light and blissful first? Running nose and fever always pair with joy… Did you felt healthy first? I guess no.

So what have you done? You assumed something. You have assumed that a cold is a few days thing and then everything is back to normal. So you experienced your sickness „to the fullest” simply knowing that it’s a passing thing. That’s it.

Neville calls it „I remember when” – you experience something now while knowing that belongs to a past already.
No words required. Simply knowing.

Read also:

I remember when – Neville’s escape from reality tool.