Koti Tea – manifestation coach

Law of assumption techniques. What do you need to know to manifest?

Law of assumption techniques can be endlessly multiplied (ex. ladder, mirror, ring, etc.), and at the same time, all of them can be reduced to one – ASSUME THAT WHAT YOU WANT IS ALREADY AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT.

What are law of assumption techniques for? Are they making manifestations happen? Not exactly. Manifesting is an automatic process that takes place all the time and every second based on the states we are in. STATES. Our states are manifesting themselves.

The state is who are You – your identity.

Techniques aren’t necessary for manifesting. They are TOOLS to help you get into and remain in your chosen state by imagining what IMPLIES your dream is true.

Step one: Know what do you want? – You want to be in a relationship.
Step two: Ask yourself who would you be like that. – Happy loving partner/ wife.
Step three: Ask again. What would imply that it is true? – Something like your mom being happy for you or a wedding ring on your finger.

“To imply” isn’t really an everyday expression. I guess for myself. I started using it when I got into an identity-based manifesting. Commonly we use imply’s synonym that is… MEAN.


You need to imagine something that means to you that your dream is true.

(ex. not fitting into your favorite jeans means (imply) you got fat. Your boyfriend asking you about what your finger size means (imply) he’s about to propose.)

Don’t feed your hunger!

It’s all about the meaning. The first step is to know that things don’t mean anything on their own. Second, that all the meaning comes from within. You decide what means what. And you’re blessed if you know that if you have imagined something that MEANS what you want is true. In other words, what follows. Never imagine a wish itself because the core of shifting into any desired state is a feeling of thankfulness/ satisfaction. There’s any of that in your wish happening. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know that imagining a wish can only make you frantic. 

Don’t imagine your wish. Never. That’s one of the things that feed your hunger and make you obsessed and craves your desire more and more. And then it’s impossible to get to and stay in the state of your wish fulfilled… Because you compare, you imagine your desire and have it in your manifesting session, and then you open your eyes, and you see it’s not really there.

(Feeling is the secret, right? And the feeling is the knowing. So this way, like above, what you truly feel as real is “I don’t have.”)