Koti Tea – manifestation coach

wins & daily stories May 2022

May was full of ideal days. And a few weeks ago I asked those of you from my email list if you were interested in more “inside” content showing what my manifesting lifestyle looks like. Let me say it straight, it’s pretty awesome and pretty “normal” all at once.

Let’s party like it’s 2012 again. You are invited to take a look at my private, everyday life.

Lately, I am definitely in a mood for comparing my “before” and “after” life. Of course, I mean before and after stepping on this manifestation path. So starting now, I plan to share more on that from different angles.

During the last 3 years, a lot has shifted in me, and then for me. I look, think and live differently, and you know, I am happy. More than I ever was before. And it’s weird because I was claiming it before in the past. And often it was true, but this time is a different level of happiness and well-being. This time is deeply true.

Btw, do you know you operate between your well-known levels of happiness and misery? You bounce between them. And people usually don’t cross over them, meaning as soon as you start feeling really happy or really successful… It gets stagnant and then starts to break and you are on your way down. It’s because you have reached your top level of happiness and life success. Some people have this top-line very low… but this can be changed! Isn’t the idea of discovering a new level of happiness exciting? Limitless Fulfillment is about discovering a new level of happiness and success and leveling those up again and again.

I did this for myself. And continue doing. I May I have doubled my revenue again, let’s start with money. And I feel more grounded, surrendered with love, and fulfilled than ever. I have a fun life I love bragging about! That’s the space I want to invite you to.

In a way, nothing “big” has happened. Since moving in March I enjoy not having too many changes. I know now that in manifesting it’s not only getting the manifestations that matters but also, maybe, even more, it’s the joy of living the 3D life that’s full of emotions, tastes, smells, and experiences.

In May I was 11 times in cinema embracing living close to one. I love cinemas way more than streaming. Having 2 hours of unpassable movie immersion, where I see and hear only that movie and no way I could pause to go and go XYZ is a blessing and one of my favorite forms of relaxation. Here are my recommendations:

  • The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
  • The Electrical Life of Louis Wain
  • Downton Abbey: A New Era
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Top Gun: Maverick

Plus one circus show at Zirkus Mond for their VS Still Real show. Zirkus Mond is one of the most enchanting contemporary art projects in Berlin. And they host the best conscious dance parties. If you are or plan to be in Berlin that’s the place to go to.

And, by the way. Berlin is so far the only city I know that can be so beautiful while being so ugly.

That was still April when we started meeting once per week to swim at the Sunrise. Immodestly I’ll admit that it was my idea. It’s crazy how beautiful nature is at sunrise, even in the middle of a big city!

Then I started waking up for Sunrise more often to watch it from my windows (loving life on the 10th floor!). But you see, this building at the bottom was disturbing me so I was often cutting it off from my pictures. Soon I won’t have to and that was such an effortless manifestation.

The craziest thing I did in May? Definitely trampoline park and manifesting a free entrance there. I wasn’t manifesting it being free, I was only focused on having a great time and the rest happened smoothly.

And I almost forgot to brag about the Powerful AF program that started in May! May was also the time for the Doing Nothing vs. Taking Action masterclass, the second one I taught on the topic of living in the end. Click on the link to learn more about it and purchase your recording.

June is already running and yesterday I came back from a romantically nostalgic weekend. But let me share that story with you in a month.

And, for more sneak peeks and daily wins updates you need to follow me on Instagram.