“If you really, believe me, you will not pass anyone without doing something to lift his burden. Taking up his cross, you will represent him to yourself as you would like to see him; and to the degree that you are self-persuaded, he will become it, even though he may never know what you did.” – Neville Goddard
You see. We are all one. Consciousness is the only reality and everybody is you pushed out. (Last weeks I devoted to clarifying this as much as possible, so check out linked articles).
And because of that, NO ONE can imagine for you. Because I AM (means here you are) the only one imagining. Are people like you expect them? Think about it. Are you always ending up with the same kind of people?
No one can give you the blessing you don’t feel owning.
No one can curse you if you are imagining a great life for yourself.
Because you are the operant power.
But you can imagine for others
Yes, you can imagine for others. More, as I already mentioned, you are already doing it. It’s inevitable. That’s how it works.
Others always fit yourself to your states. So when imagining for them specific things, don’t do it to influence them for them to do what you want. (You don’t have to.) But to change their lives for the better. It is possible because we are all one. There’s also no better proof that you have everything that you wanted than the ability to imagine the same for others.
“As you pray for your friends you will discover your own captivity is lifted; your cross becomes lighter and lighter until finally, you are light itself.” – Neville Goddard
Here’s the hack. You imagining for others from the position of owning the same. You imagine a great love life for your friend FROM FEELING a great love as already part of your life and wishing THE SAME for someone else.
Because another way it’s not sustainable. Because this way you make them separate from yourself. And they aren’t. If you imagine a great blessing for someone else that you actually want for yourself and you’ll start being envy and end up being unhappy yourself imagining bad things for others. And imagining bad things for someone when you are 100% happy and fulfilled yourself… that’s not even the case, right?
“Many a man is a failure today because no one ever believed he could be otherwise. So I say to you: if you believe that there is only one being and only one cross, you will lift the cross from a seeming other.” – Neville Goddard